Why she was been detained ? These are the questions that we need to analyze as to why the government use this harsh decision to held her and detained her under Internal Security Act (ISA).

After my full shocks and surprises yesterday about three of them been arrested, I'm only concern about our journalist, Tan Hoon Cheng from Sin Chew Daily. I get a call from one of my friends this morning, expressing his dissatisfaction over the detention of Tan.
I have to explain to him that the motif and the intention of her detention is to acknowledge all the journalist in Malaysia (STRONG WARNING) to be careful in the future in what ever contents that they going to pen down. To judge and to analyze whether this article or words should be written down.
Because of her reports, not even one drop of inks need to be pen down " CHINESE ARE SQUATTERS ", its create a chaos for the past three weeks in our country. The impact was huge because it creates a STRONG RACIAL remarks for the whole nations.

From lower incomes earner to higher incomes earner, from working people to independent businessman, from governments staff to politician, everyone was talking about it. So there is a Security Threats to the country.
No doubt she was just writing it accordingly, I can terms her that she was unlucky. She might be a scapegoat in order to issue a strong warning among all the journalist in Malaysia. "Remember this is a Multiracial country."
No doubt as a journalist, she has the rights to write the truth. As a journalism they have been expected to follow a stringent code of journalistic conduct that requires them to, among other things:
1) Use original sources of information, including interviews with people directly involved in a story, original documents and other direct sources of information, whenever possible, and cite the sources of this information in reports;
2) Fully attribute information gathered from other published sources, should original sources not be available (not to do so is considered plagiarism; some newspapers also note when an article uses information from previous reports);

3) Use multiple original sources of information, especially if the subject of the report is controversial;
4) Check every fact reported;
5) Find and report every side of a story possible;
6) Report without bias, illustrating many aspects of a conflict rather than siding with one;
7) Approach researching and reporting a story with a balance between objectivity and skepticism;
8) Use careful judgment when organizing and reporting information;
9) Be careful about granting confidentiality to sources (news organizations usually have specific rules that journalists must follow concerning grants of confidentiality);
10) Decline gifts or favors from any subject of a report, to avoid the appearance of being influenced;
11) Abstain from reporting or otherwise participating in the research and writing about a subject in which the journalist has a personal stake or bias that cannot be set aside;
So my advice to all the journalist out there.......,
.......because whatever things that you want to pen down, if not careful enough might even bring a total disastrous to the whole nations. AGREED WITH ME ???
OMG can't really understand what u are writing. can only see that u are trying to be a govt. censor by saying that the squatter reports should hv been hush up. are u saying that what we don't know won't hurt us??????????????
The government should only act against those who write or speak with an intention to create trouble. If there is no intention on the part of the person, why take action? A mere reminder to him/her is enough-loh.
are you a journalist?
you better stop writing as from what you have written you have truly shown that you are a shame to journalism.
shame to you.
No, I'm not a journalist. Its just that I quite concern with the situation.
I would not bother if any of the journalist like to write what they think is rights.
As I has said before, we are living in MULTIRACIAL country. That is the facts.
That's all.
She is a true journalist! Dare to report the truth! In the first place, she was arrested under ISA for her own security as said by the authority concern! What? She was not arrested under ISA due to her reports? THe culprit that started all this should be infact be under ISA and not her! So, wake up all Malaysians! Time September 16!
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