This is the price for a MP or YB need to pay when things spoke out from our words was getting out of hand. If we take a look on today incident, two Molotov cocktails were thrown into her family home in Taman Rainbow, Jalan Ipoh at 2.55 am Saturday. Luckily no one was hurt in the incident.

A warning letter containing threatening words and vulgarities was also attached to one of the bottle’s which was left outside the house. The contains of the letters says ; “WOI TERESA BABI !!! LU JAGA SIKIT. JANGAN SUKA CARI PASAL … NANTI GUA BAKAR SAMA LU DENGAN LU PUNYA FAMILY, PAHAM !!! CIBAI LU... TERESA KOK”.
With the current situation, Teresa Kok said that her family members are shaken and now fear for their lives. With the police reports being made also can't help a lot. Only the police would increase their patrols in the area to avoid such incidents in future.

From the day she being released until now, most of the newspaper even the Chinese newspaper also quoted YB Teresa Kok mention about the food inside the detention. During her press conference she mention that :
" So.... I can tell you the food is a worst arrr... or... maybe similar to DOG FOOD. There was one day they gave me two boiled eggs for lunch, two boiled eggs for dinner and some kuah ...and a... and a...some cucumber ..and that is my lunch and my dinner."
These are the exact words come out from YB Teresa Kok speech during her press conference. The next day when the article appears in the newspaper, many of the villages' people in my place were talking about her released and the dog food.

A warning letter containing threatening words and vulgarities was also attached to one of the bottle’s which was left outside the house. The contains of the letters says ; “WOI TERESA BABI !!! LU JAGA SIKIT. JANGAN SUKA CARI PASAL … NANTI GUA BAKAR SAMA LU DENGAN LU PUNYA FAMILY, PAHAM !!! CIBAI LU... TERESA KOK”.
With the current situation, Teresa Kok said that her family members are shaken and now fear for their lives. With the police reports being made also can't help a lot. Only the police would increase their patrols in the area to avoid such incidents in future.

From the day she being released until now, most of the newspaper even the Chinese newspaper also quoted YB Teresa Kok mention about the food inside the detention. During her press conference she mention that :
" So.... I can tell you the food is a worst arrr... or... maybe similar to DOG FOOD. There was one day they gave me two boiled eggs for lunch, two boiled eggs for dinner and some kuah ...and a... and a...some cucumber ..and that is my lunch and my dinner."
These are the exact words come out from YB Teresa Kok speech during her press conference. The next day when the article appears in the newspaper, many of the villages' people in my place were talking about her released and the dog food.
Some even said how lousy and how bad our government was but some of them even against YB Teresa Kok statement about the dog food. Please listen to her press conference video clips on her words about DOG FOOD.
They said they were totally disagreeing with her statement because the foods that were served to her not even similar to dog food. Some of them even claim that the food that was given to her is much better compare to low income earner or poorer people.
These are the words that come out from other people point of views. No doubt most of the people in my place like her very much but yet they still disagree with the statement made by YB Teresa Kok. She shouldn't have mentions that the food being served to her was similar to a dog food.
They said they were totally disagreeing with her statement because the foods that were served to her not even similar to dog food. Some of them even claim that the food that was given to her is much better compare to low income earner or poorer people.
These are the words that come out from other people point of views. No doubt most of the people in my place like her very much but yet they still disagree with the statement made by YB Teresa Kok. She shouldn't have mentions that the food being served to her was similar to a dog food.
No doubt her intention was good in the first place but the message she intended to send to the government has hurt the feeling to those people who are trying to earn very hard for their living and survive with the current inflation.
In her blog there was an article she wrote : "Haiyah... no matter what I said about the food in the detention center similar to the dog food or slightly better than the dog food, the meaning of it still the same, the food in the detention center was very bad."
YB Teresa Kok might not even know that during her press conference statement about the dog food, the next morning it has already hurt other people feeling. But what to do ? The damages have already being done. In the first place she should have said that the detention food was very bad and was unhealthy to those who consumed it.
Ai yoo... Just swear la on the holy bible if you don't mean it and get scott free. Pls la. Can get back to real issue or not. I ate 10 eggs yesterday for breakfast and already muak.
Hmmmm. Seem like the arsonist must have graduated from Tun Hussein University.
Eggs and cucumber are good. I like eggs and cucumber.
i also like eggs, cucumber and kuah ~ ~ >.<
Teresa has just been dealt with an extremely unjust arrest which has brought much physical and mental anguish to her. In a moment of anger and frustration due to her plight from such unresponsible and dispicable action by the authority, she miscalculated her comment. Bur since she has subsequently apologise why can't the people accept it and move on? If we want to continue raising the issue of the egg, then what about those polotical morons who make remarks which hurt the feelings of others and disturb the peace? Shouldn't we rain on them too? It is easy to comment in your comfort zone without the real experience which Teresa has gone through at such high handedness. Why not the rakyat send a million petitions to the authority to condemn her arrest since we are so issue conscious.
Teresa Kok has a right to describe the food she was given to the best of her recollection. Who can deny or disprove it? For my part, I am prepared to believe her, as the ISA is a place for torture in one form or another. In the past, detainees were questioned for hours while denied water and sleep, so why is it hard to believe that they might be given sub-standard food as well? If a prisoner is hungry, what choice would he have? No one can find out, so the decision-makers can do whatever cruel treatment they want towards ISA detainees, simply because all this is happening behind locked doors. They can even beat prisoners in places where wounds will not show - that is the usual tactic for political prisoners. I don't think anyone has a right to think badly of someone who has been in there and experienced ISA treatment, unless we were in the same situation ourselves. But of course, maybe when we are released and tell our story, no one would be willing to believe that we were served almost rotten food, simply because people find it hard to believe.
my dog hates eggs too..i can't really blame teresa if she finds those boiled eggs with KUAH worse than dog food..hehe
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