Sunday, September 14, 2008
1 ) Malaysiakini : Live Video Teresa's Parents Outcry.
Monday, September 15, 2008
2 ) Malaysiakini : A SHOCKING FIND. TERESA KOK NOT GUILTY. PART 2 (Part 1 and Part 2 Join Together)
Monday, September 15, 2008
From my Part 3 article in the last paragraph, I did bring out some of these question.
Why ISA? There must be something inside the newspaper article that the police felt the nation security was under threats. (maybe that is why Teresa Kok was arrested under ISA - Malaysia is a multiracial country)
The opinion column, written by award-winning senior editor Zaini Hassan, lambasted an unnamed woman politician of going to a mosque and demanded that it lowered the volume of its loudspeakers during prayers.
Written in a highly personal manner, the article quoted Khir Toyo extensively whilst going on to imply that YB Teresa (and indeed the entire Pakatan state govt) was insufficiently respectful of Islam and Islamic practices.
The Utusan article sent a ripple of anger and frustration coursing through the Selangor State offices in Shah Alam, resulting in a Press Conference later that day during which the State Exco demanded an apology from both the author and the newspaper.
Since then a police report has been lodged by PAS MP, Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud against Khir Toyo amongst others.
Latest Development (quoted from Malaysiakini) for reference.
The letter of demand, which was faxed to Utusan at 4.40 pm yesterday, gave the Malay language daily 24 hours to issue an apology or Kok would slap a law suit against the newspaper.
Below are the articles that create the whole national under threats.
1 ) This irresponsible journalist write based on the conversation with one of his old time friend without proof being shown. Just by words. The worst is he gets these things to be clarified by another friend.
2 ) He call his friend a YB from Pakatan Rakyat to clarify about this matter and again without proof the YB clarified he agreed with this statement and even add up more to it. The so-call his friend YB mention that MP Teresa Kok has forced the DBKL to torn down all the street sign with jawi and demanded it to change it to street sign with alphabet, chinese and indian words on it. (what kind of this journalist is?)
Readers, judge your self whether MP Teresa Kok would do this kind of things ?
3 ) Then the journalist make a conclusion that he understand why all the time Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim proposal to take 30 % allocation out of JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor) fund to allocate to other religious.
4 ) He also mention now he understand the culprit behind the proposal to open up to 10 % the door of UiTM to non-bumiputra. With this kind of statement being circulated around the whole country in UTUSAN MALAYSIA newspaper.
5 ) WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ? MALAYSIA COUNTRY WAS UNDER THREATS. The government need to take a drastic action to maintain the public in order because this issue just come out on Wednesday 10, 2008. Before this issue become a major topic around the town, ISA was implemented ? Teresa Kok arrested under ISA on Friday 12, 2008.
6 ) We as a readers not even know that this kind of articles have been circulating around. Why ? Because most of us are reading THE STAR, NST, SIN CHEW ...etc..... How about the Malay people ?
Get the whole story ?
Please read this article carefully in red highlight to understand the whole picture. (Publish in Utusan Malaysia) The so-call Award Winner senior editor......
Oleh Zaini Hassan
Janganlah anggap apa yang saya tulis ini sebagai rasis atau berunsur perkauman. Dalam suasana negara yang dipenuhi dengan isu sensitif perkauman sekarang, tulisan ini hanyalah sebagai satu ingatan kepada kita semua, terutamanya umat Islam.

Saya amat tertarik untuk merujuk kepada kenyataan bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr. Khir Toyo yang membangkitkan mengenai “ada usaha oleh pihak tertentu (di Selangor) yang cuba menasihatkan pihak masjid dan surau supaya tidak menggunakan pembesar suara semasa melaungkan azan”.
Bagi saya petikan itu pelik bunyinya. Bagi saya ia juga amat serius. Tidak pernah dalam sejarah 51 tahun merdeka, rakyat Malaysia sedang menghadapi situasi seperti itu. Selama ini kita-Melayu, Cina, India, Sikh dan lain lain bangsa dan agama tidak pernah bercakap mengenai perkara itu.
Kita hormat antara satu sama lain. Soal agama Islam terpelihara secara suci di dalam Perlembagaan negara. Justeru, petikan semacam itu tidak pernah terlintas langsung atau termimpi akan diucapkan.

Kini, ia berlaku. Ya benar, Dr. Khir bukan buat cerita mengarut. Ia benar-benar berlaku di Selangor. Orang Pas, yang kini mula menguasai jawatankuasa masjid dan surau di situ pun tercengang. Orang UMNO yang masih lagi menganggotai jawatankuasa surau dan masjid pun terkejut.
“Sampai macam itu sekali tindakan mereka,” kata seorang AJK sebuah surau di Shah Alam kepada saya Jumaat lalu. Beliau ialah sahabat lama saya, yang kami bertemu selepas solat Jumaat, lalu mengajak saya bersembang.
Sembang punya sembang, tiba-tiba beliau menyentuh mengenai soal suraunya. Katanya, kira-kira tiga bulan selepas Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih kerajaan Selangor, seorang Exco kerajaan negeri itu, yang juga seorang Ahli Parlimen dari parti DAP membuat kunjungan ke suraunya. Yang peliknya, YB wanita itu datang pada waktu sebelum subuh.
Tanpa rasa malu-malu atau rasa bersalah, dia menasihatkan pengurusan surau itu supaya tidak melaungkan azan dengan kuat menggunakan pembesar suara, terutama pada waktu subuh. Katanya, “hasil tinjauannya” pada waktu subuh itu, cuma ada imam, bilal dan dua tiga orang sahaja makmum.
“Kalau ada macam itu jangan kasi bangun oranglah (dengan azan)…” katanya kepada imam yang ada di situ.

Semua yang ada terus “terkedu”. Mereka berpandangan antara satu sama lain. YB yang baru tiga bulan menjadi Yang Berhormat itu tahukah apa yang dia cakap.
Jika diambil pendekatan isu yang berlaku sekarang, saya ingin bertanya, siapakah yang rasis? Siapakah yang perkauman? Dr. Khirkah, sayakah yang menulis Cuit ini? Atau, YB wanita berkaca mata itukah?
Sambil menulis kolum ini, saya menelefon seorang rakan saya, yang juga seorang YB dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Dia mengakui memang berlaku. Hasil perbualan saya, beliau berkata: “…bukan teruk lagi, dah jadi kurang ajar”.
Persoalan saya lagi, mengapa situasi seperti ini sudah mulai berlaku. Saya tidak mahu mengulas lanjut, biarlah pembaca budiman membuat analisis dan pernilaian sendiri.
Nak dijadikan cerita, tindakan YB wanita itu tidak habis di situ saja. Dia juga, dikatakan sedang ‘memaksa’ Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) menurunkan semua tulisan jawi di semua papan tanda jalan di Kuala Lumpur.
Sekali lagi ini cerita benar. Ia disahkan sendiri oleh rakan saya, YB dari Pakatan Rakyat itu. Sebagai ganti untuk menurunkan tulisan jawi itu, dia menuntut dinaikkan tulisan Cina dan Tamil bersama-sama tulisan rumi.
“Yang ekstremnya, YB wanita itu siap bawa ’sample’ berserta spesifikasi papan tanda jalan tulisan Cina dan Tamil itu untuk ditunjukan kepada pegawai DBKL,” kata rakan saya itu lagi.
Seperti yang saya tanya di atas tadi, tidak sensitifkah YB wanita itu? Jawapan saya ialah, dia memang sengaja tidak mahu sensitif.
Melihatkan kepada senario ini, barulah kita tahu, siapa sebenarnya yang ‘menyuapkan’ ke mulut Menteri Besar Selangor, Khalid Ibrahim mengenai cadangan supaya diambil 30% peruntukan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) untuk digunakan bagi kegunaan agama-agama lain.
Yang jelas kita semua tahu, siapakah orang itu yang ‘berkobar-kobar’ membangkitkan isu babi Sepang, sebaik saja dia melangkah kaki menduduki bangunan SUK Selangor, tempoh hari.
Dan, sekarang baru kita juga tahu, suasana bercelaru yang sedang berlaku - yang terbaru mengenai isu perkauman atau rasis itu memang dirancang - secara sengaja, oleh pihak-pihak tertentu yang mahu melihat suasana negara dan rakyat Malaysia tidak tenteram.
Akhir kalam, semoga Allah menyelamatkan kita semua. Amin.
Again who was supposed to be blamed ?
PART 5 will be continue ............. INTERNAL SECURITY ACT (ISA)
To all the readers who cares about Teresa Kok. If you find that this article Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 is a useful information, reliable and can help the earlier release of Teresa Kok from ISA, please post this article to every one of them who cares about her health and her worrying parents.
blame the GOD?! Please showed us the right way!
This bast..d Khir Toyo should be locked-up, maybe with the orang utans at the zoo. That is the rightful place for him. Before that, he should be flogged for degrading Islam.
I think the non-muslims in that mosque vicinity were very considerate indeed for asking to tone-down the non-Azan activities, like ceramahs.
If I want to listen to ceramah, I'll go to the mosque, so use internal PA system cukup lah. I am a Muslim but I can hardly appreciate most of these ceramahs. They actually understand very little of the true Islam.
I once asked a penceramah ugama who said that 'kalau baca Fatihah tak betul tak sah sembahyang', how about dumb people, how should they pray? Or Jepun baru masuk Islam tak boleh sebut betul, how about them? Sembahyang tak sah ke? That fella went blank and said something he was not sure of. If he was a true scholar, he could have answered me with confidence. My guru could.
Muslim Idealist
It would be interesting to know who this YB from Pakatan Rakyat he referred to ?
the column was written intending to harm and cause harm to society especially to spoil the mind of its readers. sad to say there are still people like him and let to be practising his "profession". after reading his bahasa malaysia version of his column, i felt that he was 'dreamy', fictitous, 'fabricating' and sorts all the way. imagaine, in a newspaper, you could be able to write something like this 'putting hatred' not only in having a group of people but causing harm to MALAYSIA'S RACIAL HARMONY...this person should be ticked off and put under the "ISA" before anyone else for stirring the so-called 'racial tension' that many have avoided to do. evidently, the media proves to be a good source of hatred 'pusher' towards certain quaters and the hate 'dealer' for his quaters - unless i've wrongly digested of the scenario. sad, sad, sad to be a 'malaysian' that the other 'malaysia' tried to hate....won't you agree?
sad, sad, sad to be a 'malaysian' that the other 'malaysian' tried to hate....won't you agree?
sorry for the typo.
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