Sunday, September 14, 2008 1 ) Malaysiakini : Live Video Teresa's Parents Outcry.
Monday, September 15, 2008 2 ) Malaysiakini : A SHOCKING FIND. TERESA KOK NOT GUILTY. PART 2 (Part 1 and Part 2 Join Together)
Monday, September 15, 2008 3 ) Malaysiakini : A SHOCKING FIND. TERESA KOK NOT GUILTY. PART 3
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4 ) Malaysiakini : A SHOCKING FIND. TERESA KOK NOT GUILTY. PART 4
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5 ) Malaysiakini : A SHOCKING FIND. TERESA KOK NOT GUILTY. PART 5
PART 6 will be continue ..............
Who was supposed to be blamed ? Residents of Bandar Kinrara, Section 5 ? YB Mohamad Satim Diman ? MP Teresa Kok ? The mosque ? Pembelamelayu Blogspot ? Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamed Khir Toyo ? Zaini Hassan - the Award Winner senior editor ? Utusan Malaysia ? The Police ? Home Minister - Syed Hamid Albar ? Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or the governments of MALAYSIA...... Barisan Nasional ?
Let us find out in detail who is supposed to be blamed for this kind of mess ?
It all started back in February 2008 with a petition from the Residents’ Association, Bandar Kinrara Section 5 , Puchong, Selangor to the local mosque which was actually a request to lower the volume of the ceramah (religious talks) signed by about 189 residents.
The residents stated that the loudspeakers of the mosque where its ceramah (religious talks), kuliah subuh (religious lectures at dawn) and kuliah maghrib (religious lectures at dusk), have disturbed their peace at a time when they were resting or sleeping late, especially on Sundays - as early as 6:15am - and during those evenings when they were tutoring their children.

So, they write a letter to YB Mohamad Satim Diman (Serdang state assemblyperson ) in the hope that YB Satim would understand their situation. With this, they seek YB Satim assistance to plead with the mosque management so as not to use the loudspeakers during its ceramah, kuliah subuh and kuliah maghrib, especially in the early morning or evening.
During that time February 2008, Barisan Nasional was still in power in Selangor and Khir Toyo was still the Menteri Besar.
They just concern about the use of loudspeakers during religious ceramah that could go on for more than an hour and the residents who signed the petition said they had never intended to protest against the use of loudspeakers for the azan.
Instead they have requested the mosque to lower the volume of the loudspeakers for the ceramah (religious talks) which often followed the prayers.
From this point of views, indeed the residents' has nothing to do with this case as they just send a petition letter requesting YB Mohamad Satim to help them and the worst is when they send a copy of this letter to MP Teresa Kok, they didn't meet her to acknowledge her about this matter. The staff at Teresa Kok office did receive this letter without acknowledge her about this matter.
Now who was supposed to be blamed ?
2 ) YB Mohamad Satim Diman (Serdang state assemblyperson)

"At a functions held recently, a Barisan Nasional state assembly person said that during a state assembly meeting, YB Teresa Kok lead a petition drive on behalf of residents of Puchong to Datuk Satim Diman about a complaint that the morning Azan call had 'disturbed' the peace.
That happen during Jun 24, 2008. The question is, who is that "wakil rakyat (BN)" in that forum that given out the speech. Whether this "wakil rakyat" during his speech, did he mention lower the volume of ceramah or lower the volume of Azan ? Or maybe this guy in the forum by the name of "detgeneration" heard it wrongly or the other way round ?
Now who was supposed to be blamed ?
3 ) Member of Parliament - YB Teresa Kok
At first she got nothing to do with this issue. Problem start to arise when she was been accused of being the lead members who leads one group of residents in Puchong to make a petition and hand it over to YB Mohamad Satim Diman.
During a by-election in Permatang Pauh, YB Teresa Kok knew there was an e-mails circulating around accusing her of being the lead member who send the petition to YB Mohamad Satim. At that time YB Teresa Kok didn't bother about this matter as this is just a political move to gain some votes at Permatang Pauh by-election.
When the e-mail starts circulating around, it reaches to some of state assemblyperson and a few of the journalist. They find it very interesting about this matter and ask YB Teresa Kok about her opinion ?

Meanwhile a blogsite (pembelamelayu Blogspot) has quoted Khir on June 26 as alleging that YB Teresa Kok had submitted a petition to Umno’s Seri Serdang state assemblyperson YB Satim which supposedly described the azans as “disturbing the peace” of local residents in Puchong.
UMNO Selangor Memutar-belitkan Isu Azan di Puchong September 10th, 2008 by Teresa
But YB Mohamad Satim can't even produce the proof when was ask to show it by the journalist.
During her denial and accusation, YB Teresa Kok didn't know that her office did received a petition letter from the residents of Bandar Kinrara. Only when the news published in the newspaper, she only realize when the residents there fax a letter to her office.
Now why YB Teresa Kok staff didn't inform her in the first place about the petition letter when the resident's in Bandar Kinrara send to her office for acknowledgement ? At least YB Teresa Kok knows how to deal this matter accordingly or maybe YB Teresa Kok really know about this letter but forget to deal and attend this matter (during that time maybe she was so happy celebrating Pakatan wining in this general election).
Or maybe her staff didn't even know that this matter will become a big issue and just sign as a acknowlegment letter and put it a side? Who was that person who started to circulate an emial about the wrong doing of YB Teresa Kok ?
Now who was supposed to be blamed ?
4 ) The mosque.
Masjid Bandar Kinrara is a It is about a few kilometres from Astro and Technology Park Malaysia. Just nearby the Bandar Kinrara Golf Course, Puchong.
Former Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr. Khir Toyo, alleged that Teresa Kok had organised a petition against mosque officials in certain surau and masjid around Selangor to lower the volume of the azan prayer at the mosque. His comments appeared in Pembelamelayu Blogspot.
The chairman Abdul Rahman Nasir of Masjid Bandar Kinrara said he did receive the petition letter from the residents but said that MP Teresa Kok had never set foot ... to present the petition.
Before this allegation happen, Steven Ee, the person who presented the mosque with the petition on behalf of the residents said that he noticed that the loudspeakers volume was lowered for about two weeks after he presented the petition but then returned to its original pitch after that.
Now the question is why Masjid Bandar Kinrara after lowering the loudspeakers volume for two weeks and then returned to its original pitch ? Was the commitee member there been inform about this matter ? Or the commitee member being lambasted by the muslim residents for lowering the volume ? Or maybe they already forgotten about the petition letter ?
In the first place if they maintain the loudspeakers volume during azan prayers and lowering it down the loudspeakers volume during religious talk then this thing won't happen at all ?
Now who was supposed to be blamed ?
PART 7 will be continue ........
Anyway thanks to for sharing his article of "Proof of Innocence."
Teresa Kok - Proof of Innocence I - Malaysiakini
Teresa Kok - Proof of Innocence II - Malaysiakini
Teresa Kok - Proof of Innocence III - Malaysiakini
Thank you bro for the links, Teresa is out and I am truly elated with the news. I hope she sue the hell out of the BN govt. and that shit daily Utusa Meloya.
Do keep in touch for future projects. I would like to think that both of us have contributed to her release (or maybe in my dreams, ha ha ).
I think so ..... but actually it was the rakyat and some of the bloggers that contributed to her released.
We are just concern about her only. Anyway happy blogging.
Have a nice day.........
Yes, it was certainly the rakyat, NGOs, bloggers, churches, politicians and even some were from BN too that helped her release.
BTW market is down. Time to buy, man. Contrarian investing my friend.
Ha ha
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