Things getting out of hand. Today Datuk Ahmad Ismail during his press conference, taken down Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon picture inside the UMNO building and tear it off into two pieces.
Not only that, he also ask all top government official (Barisan Nasional) to boycott GERAKAN parties from becoming a component party of Barisan Nasional.
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has been inform about this incident. UMNO Supreme Council will be meeting tomorrow to decide what are the action should be taken on Datuk Ahmad Ismail.
Latest Development : Gerakan Penang announce Cut Ties with UMNO Penang. The is the latest and confirm news that I received just a moment.
Its getting ugly and I hope tomorrow will be another good day to look forward.
Talking about our share market performance today's, I still consider it is to early to mention that the market is already bottom out.
World market today went up a lot because last week, most our global markets down more than 6% compare to the previous week. For me it just a technical rebound.
That Ahmad Ismail is an A-O! Good! You guys fight. The people are laughing!
Who gave the courage to Ahmad ISmail and his herd to act this unruly way?
I think the leadership should take the responsibility. Pak Lah's poor leadership that led to this rogue members' behaviors .
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