Malaysiakini : A SHOCKING FIND. TERESA KOK NOT GUILTY. PART 2 (Part 1 and Part 2 Join Together)

A search engine was launched through internet and it appears that the blogger has deleted all the previous articles as well.
Here are some of the articles that still left (can't posted all the articles). Maybe because of ISA this blogger deleted all the articles.
(Pembela Melayu Sejati)
pembelamelayu. pembelamelayu. pembelamelayu. pembelamelayu ... pembelamelayu. pembelamelayu. pembelamelayu. pembelamelayu. pembelamelayu. Image.
(2008 " Pembela Melayu Sejati)
Posted on Jun 2, 2008 oleh pembelamelayu ... Posted on Mei 23, 2008 oleh pembelamelayu. Karpal Singh ini sudah nyanyuk agaknya. - 52k - Cached
(Kekejaman DAP " Pembela Melayu Sejati) BOLEHKAH BUKAN MELAYU JADI PM MALAYSIA? Posted on Mei 26, 2008 oleh pembelamelayu ... Search for: Blog di Theme: Digg 3 Column ... - 63k
Click the article and you will know the answer.
Below was the earlier statement that was posted and the blogger was lambasted by the people who posted the comments in his/her website. Now all the comments has been deleted.
Again this blogger re-posted the article with additional information to its original statement. But this time without comments for us to post. That was yesterday night. A check again on the website just now, suddenly all the comments re-appear.
MALAYSIAKINI 11th Sept 2008
Report lodged against Khir Toyo for stirring up ‘azans’ by Fauwaz Abdul Aziz and Rahmah Ghazali Sep 11, 08 2:18pm
A police report has been lodged against former Selangor menteri besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo and a blog (MCPXpembelamelayu blogspot) for allegedly spreading “malicious slander” and “lies” about certain quarters within the Selangor government lobbying for directives against azans in the state. The rest please refer to Malaysiakini article........
Luckily I saved the article before any changes were made by this irresponsible blogger. (sorry for the inconvenience cause, the content of this article was posted in Malay languages, anyone who cares to translate it to English?)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Penjelasan Isu Azan.
Assalamualaikum Pelawat Budiman,
Saya tidak sangka bahawa artikel yang tersiar di laman website ini mengenai laungan azan telah menjadi isu yang besar sehingga ada yang membuat laporan polis mengenainya.

Sebenarnya, saya hanya menyiarkan maklumat yang saya fikir penting unutuk diketahui oleh umum yang saya temui di sebuah forum (saya ada letak screen shot pada artikel sebelum ini).
Tidak lama selepas saya menyiarkan artikel tersebut, saya membuat carian google dan terjumpa seorang blogger lain bertanya isu yang sama pada Teresa Kok dan Dr Khir di laman blog masing-masing.
Tanpa saya rancang, laman website saya pula makin laman makin dikenali ramai. Ini mungkin kerana SEO laman saya yang berfungsi dengan amat baik yang menyebabkan search engine seperti google meletakkan laman saya ditempat pertama dan mukasurat pertama dalam carian mereka.

Kelebihan seperti ini memang diinginkan oleh semua orang yang ingin menjana pendapatan menggunakan laman web tetapi itu tidak menjadi objektif utama saya.
Saya yakin kebanyakan mereka hanya mendengar berita ini melalui rakan-rakan kerana saya mendapat tahu bahawa petisyen tersebut terdapat di masjid.
Apa yang menghairankan saya, jika mereka membaca artikel asal ini daripada blog saya, kenapa mereka perlu membuat carian lagi mengenai isu ini dalam search engine. Akibat daripada ini artikel ini sentiasa tersiar di muka utama blog saya dan menyebabkan lebih ramai orang yang membacanya.

Saya sebenarnya tidak pernah menyangka laman website ini menjadi begitu popular. Mulanya, saya hanya ingin menulis untuk meluahkan perasaan saya tanpa berharap ianya menjadi begitu popular.
Saya akui bahawa saya tidak menjalankan penyiasatan yang terperinci mengenai perkara ini. Ini mungkin kerana saya tidak mempunyai pengalaman sebagai wartawan ataupun polis.
Selepas perkara ini menjadi heboh dan besar, saya mula mendapat lebih banyak maklumat terperinci dan penting mengenainya. Saya masih terkeliru dengan isu ini kerana seolah-olah terdapat banyak versi dan setiap mereka yang terlibat mempunyai fakta untuk membela mereka dalam isu ini.
Saya baca dalam suratkhabar online, ada yang mengatakan mereka yang menandatangi petisyen ini sekadar mempertikaikan penggunaan speaker pada waktu subuh untuk bacaan surah dan kuliah subuh. Kesilapan saya ialah kerana menyangka biasanya kegunaan utama speaker pada waktu Subuh ialah untuk melaungkan azan Subuh.
Kebiasaanya laungan azan adalah jauh lebih kuat daripada bacaan surah dan kuliah kerana ianya untuk menyeru umat Islam untuk bersama-sama berjemaah di masjid. Manakala bacaan surah dan kuliah biasanya adalah perlahan kerana hanya untuk didengari oleh jemaah dalam masjid.

Mungkin saya telah membuat taksiran yang salah dalam soal ini dan menjadi keliru kerana cuba membandingkan perkara ini dengan Solat Jumaat yang mana khutbahnya tidak sekuat jika dibandingkan dengan laungan Azan.
Jadi, sempena bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, saya memohon maaf kepada semua umat Islam sekiranya penerbitan artikel di laman web saya ini telah menimbulkan keresahan di kalangan umat Islam. Sememangnya, saya sepatutnya membuat lebih banyak kajian dan semakan sebelum menyiarkan artikel yang amat sensitif ini.
Saya harap saya akan dapat menjadikan pengalaman saya ini sebagai satu pengajaran untuk saya lebih berhati-hati apabila membuat sesuatu keputusan.
Sekian Terima Kasih,Selamat Berpuasa dan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin
Posted by PembelaMelayu at 7.57 pm
Please refer to these new changes in this article that this blogger has made:
Perjelasan Isu Azan (Hope that this website still available)
Again, who was supposed to be blamed ?
Part 4 will be continue .............
Why all the sudden this matter getting out of hand ? At first it was just a heated topic happen among the politician in Selangor State assembly person and some of the bloggers'. When it was published in the NEWSPAPER, the whole nation security was under threats.
Why ISA? There must be something inside the newspaper article that the police felt the nation security was under threats. (maybe that is why Teresa Kok was arrested under ISA - Malaysia is a multiracial country)
Find out tomorrow ......................
check this cache, you will read the post entries before that.
Anonymous said…
After 51 years of the Oppression from the BN goons’ divide and rule fear tactics the Rakyats have matured & you must see all this coming because All The Rakyats of Malaysia are all fed-up & can no longer with-stand the hypocrisies, bullshits, lies and deceits of these UMNO Clowns now in Power ok???
We urge all BN Components MPs with a conscience to do the necessary to make possible a New Malaysia for all Rakyats of Malaysia so that all our children and their children & their children’s children’s future will be safe and secured in the Country we all love and not be intimidated by those UMNO Clowns now in power with their oppressive & fear tactics and in the verge of making Malaysia a Police State if left unchecked otherwise. The Acting IGP is defending the Police position after being made the tools of UMNO's fear tactics & so he is now making lame excuses for being the string puppet to be easily manipulated by the power that be.
Moronic PeeM and Botak Home Minister last minutes’ attempts to cling on power by using the fear tactics of using the ISA at their whims and fancies selectively against dissent & tried to deny their own actions as they now have no balls to face the wrath of the all the Rakyats of Malaysia.
All Rakyats of Malaysia will see to that these Clowns will be thrown out soon come the New Dawn of Malaysia & that all Rakyats of Malaysia will welcome the New Malaysia on Malaysia Day 916, 2008 for a Malaysia for All Malaysians.
Justice MUST BE DONE for Altantuya and for all those detained under ISA without the trial nor the rights of appeal. Light-up a Candle in the Lantern of the Mid-Autumn Festival for them all to usher in the NEW DAWN OF MALAYSIA COME 916, 2008
Zymian // Sep 14, 2008 at 4:07 pm
We are indeed witnessing an attempt by certain hardcore Umno operatives to create unrest amongst the various races. Remember, it is to create the perfect pretence for the UMNO led government to impose emergency law and thus roll back their losses in the last elections!
The ISA arrests are only part of the plan. There will be further provocations! They are desperately hoping that enough unrest and conflict will arise so that they may use even more hardliner’s tactics with the security forces.
I sincerely hope our fellow citizens will remain calm. Fight, I say…but fight smart. Use the net, use it to spread the word that violence and conflict is to be avoided.
The UMNO hardliners (Dr M, Toyo) have run out of ideas. In their desperation, they have become more ruthless. We just need to stay the course….and these jokers will self destruct..
The gist of this pembela is " oops, i got so popular that whatever I have written previously without any research is now taken as the truth. Sorry la Muslims".
Crap. You have got one person ISAed and you apologise to the Muslims only?
Anyway, i went to his blog just now and this chap has disabled his comment function. He does not seemed sorry with the latest posting. This blogger claimed 'accidental' but in reality, he is coming out with more statements. This time, to pull in Dr Tan Seng Giaw. And pembelamelayu seemed to stand with Khir Toyo.
let me tell you guy out here. No amount of debate, no amount of prayers , no amount of anger can do anything to stop this satanic leader for using race , religion or anything to grind thier axe, or to purposely falsify and accuse right god people to indefinite detention in jail. I suggest one thing. Satan only fears is the power of the world greatest powerfull army. Sent in the united nations army and take and strip away thier ability to evil. Just like east timor, sent in the powerfull army from the world and invade, and this give a signal , they will be the next saddam hussein.For this umno and the wicked police, and all thier military at thier disposal only knows and respect one thing, that is the power of the mighty weapons of man of war.Perhaps mao tse tung was correct, that power comes from the the barrerl of the gun and will stay till infinity. Unless god changed it for it has yet changed.
These puppets umno, yesterday and today puppets of u.s. plan will stay, unless the master say stop it.Look , they only know how to oppress the asian people and they kowtow to western people. Not like the people of north east asian where they are fairplay.No wonder this government never write bad news of western countries but always the negative news of other asian country especially on north east asia with the consent of reuters, api, etc.
let me tell you guy out here. No amount of debate, no amount of prayers , no amount of anger can do anything to stop this satanic leader for using race , religion or anything to grind thier axe, or to purposely falsify and accuse right god people to indefinite detention in jail. I suggest one thing. Satan only fears is the power of the world greatest powerfull army. Sent in the united nations army and take and strip away thier ability to evil. Just like east timor, sent in the powerfull army from the world and invade, and this give a signal , they will be the next saddam hussein.For this umno and the wicked police, and all thier military at thier disposal only knows and respect one thing, that is the power of the mighty weapons of man of war.Perhaps mao tse tung was correct, that power comes from the the barrerl of the gun and will stay till infinity. Unless god changed it for it has yet changed.
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