Please refer the previous article before any reading being done.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 1 ) Malaysiakini : Live Video Teresa's Parents Outcry.
Monday, September 15, 2008 2 ) Malaysiakini : A SHOCKING FIND. TERESA KOK NOT GUILTY. PART 2 (Part 1 and Part 2 Join Together)
Monday, September 15, 2008 3 ) Malaysiakini : A SHOCKING FIND. TERESA KOK NOT GUILTY. PART 3
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4 ) Malaysiakini : A SHOCKING FIND. TERESA KOK NOT GUILTY. PART 4
Here are some of the remarks and statement issue by Tan Sri Ismail Omar - Deputy Inspector General of Police.
In recent weeks, there has been an escalation of racially insensitive, seditious and disparaging acts and remarks by individuals and organisations bringing about a state of unrest and religious tension in the country.
When the police decided to invoke the ISA, the decision was based on intelligence and observation that certain acts by the individuals concerned were detrimental to the calm, peace and harmony of the country.

These acts if not curtailed would cause public disorder and be a threat to national security. An arrest under the ISA is only made when the police strongly believes that certain acts by individual can pose a serious threat to public order and national security.
These are the grounds in which the police based their decision on.
When there are reasonable ground the police will act accordingly under the provisions of Section 73(1) of the ISA. An arrest under the Section provides the police with means to investigate and verify whether the intelligence received can be substantiated.
"Let the police work within the system and laws of the country. Racial and religious unrest can be triggered over small matters and can escalate into situations that are damaging and irreversible.
"We cannot allow the May 13, Kg Medan and Kg Rawa incidents to repeat and destroy the country.
The police will have to take pre-emptive measures in order to prevent the situation from getting out of control. As such, the public must allow the police to act within the perimeters of the law in this country, including the ISA, which is a swift mechanism for effective action.

The police are continuously monitoring the situation and will not hesitate to take action against anyone who continues inciting racial and religious issues which are detrimental to the calm, peace and harmony of the country.
In the interest of the nation’s peace and harmony, the police will act without fear or favour. The police wish to reiterate and affirm that at the current moment, the situation in this country is calm and under control.
"Now the question that plays in our mind right now, why ISA (Internal Security Act) has to be implemented on MP Teresa Kok. Everyone in Malaysia was against it. It was an act of a draconian by the governments. Do you agreed ?
My article yesterday mention that the cause of her been arrested was related to the MALAYSIA NATIONAL SECURITY WAS UNDER THREATS.
From a merely a small group discussion in some small coffee shop ... etc ...., in the bloggers website and some politician, now it become a hot issue and topics around Malaysia (can you imagine how many readers in UTUSAN MALAYSIA per day).
That is how the national threats raise up when the article appear on Sept 10, 2008. Please read the wording carefully and the sentence that has been pen down by this irresponsible journalist ! Refer to Part 4.

So from the other perspective point of view. If she was still out there, there will be a continuously talk and attack about the mosque and azan issue. Who know ? Maybe someone might raise up an issue that MP Teresa Kok has raise an issue of ordering some of the mosque to be torn down (not the loudspeakers but the whole surau or mosque)
Many Malaysian may has forgotten about the May 13, 1969 issue. Again in October 27, 1987 issue. I still can remember the 1987 issue. It was so alarming during that time.
The operation saw the infamous arrest of 106 persons under the ISA and the revoking of the publishing licenses of two dailies, The Star and the Sin Chew Jit Poh and two weeklies.
Yaa...yaa you might disagree with me because there might be some innocent people involve and be arrested but that is the only way to contain it.
REMEMBER THIS - This is a multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country. In years to come and many many moons to appears, everyone will protect each other races. We cannot deny it. This is the FACTS.
Inside my previously article posted " BBC HARDTALK with Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad " posted on Monday, Sept 8, 2008. See how Tun's argue about this issue " Internal Security Act "
Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar held a press conference to explain why three of the detainee being held and arrested under Internal Security Act.
Watch and listen to the video below carefully. He might not be your favourite actors but he has made a point to maintain the public order.
He said that the action was taken by the police themselves based on their assessment of the current situation as they had “strong and good reason” to believe that conflict could happen and public order could be jeopardised.
In this video clip Syed Hamid said there was concern among the public who felt that the race issue might worsen and some people were even stocking up food since Permatang Pauh by-election.
The action was taken when people start to worry and the public order was under threat.
“People may agree or disagree with the police position but they are in the best position to judge” Syed Hamid Albar
Again who was supposed to be blamed ?
PART 6 will be continue ..............
Who was supposed to be blamed ? Residents of Bandar Kinrara, section 5 ? YB Mohamad Satim Diman ? MP Teresa Kok ? The mosque ? Pembelamelayu Blogspot ? Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamed Khir Toyo ? Zaini Hassan - the Award Winner senior editor ? Utusan Malaysia ? The Police ? Home Minister - Syed Hamid Albar ? Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or the governments of MALAYSIA...... Barisan Nasional ?
Good research done Jackie, keep it up. Read a good article today at:
Asian NGOs challenge SUHAKAM to take up ISA issues
Hope Suhakam takes it up.
good write up
Hidup Melayu! Hidup UMNO!
Using Intelligence as a cover up of their evil intentions...applying ISA, to silence non violent critics of the govt is what UMNO does best.
The real offenders of this law get away scot free...what a blooming joke!
Could you pls improve on your English skills? The grammatical and structural mistakes are glaring!
Good job Jackie. :)
BTW, anon 1:11pm, I hate it when ppl like you go around telling others that their English sucks. Could you improve your manners first. TQ
I'm just an ordinary guys trying to find some truth about some of our politician and journalist wrong doing.
I'm a new learner, I will try to enhance my english but I believe my article already posted everywhere and it's easy to understand.
Thank you .
With your encouragement, I will try to do my best.
Thank you for including me in your web.
To all the readers in ginsing70, I be back to share with you all about our share market.
Just trying to help and release Teresa Kok as soon as possible.
Good article Jackie... Much much better compare to Khir Toyo, Ali Rustam and Mike Tyson writtings..
As for your english, never mind.. english is not our mother tounge.. mistakes are common and normal... Thus, do write again...
What govt we have these days??
Even when they know Teresa is not guilty, they still want to hold her under ISA.. Let her free la!! What a bunch of chicken-brained idiots we have as leaders!!
Yang Berhormat Hail Hizlar
YB T Kok announced determined intention to commence legal proceedings.Jackie Lee did a superb job of trial by media reminiscent of MSM.So we all find YB T Kok innnocent already.Like that ,the court will be empty of people and because all done already.Only waiting the award of the money lor.So Jackie please continue until part infinity,maybe the amount can get bigger.In the meantime a chance to receive Enlish correction from all us and who we can publish EBOOK.As a failed nation wannabe, must make hay while SUN and STAR shining.Best Tgd Arjun
Hidup ISA! Hidup UMNO!
Hidup ISA! Hidup Melayu! Hidup UMNO!
Hey jackie, love your work...awesome job. Well all i can say is everything that is happening now...will come back to haunt their lives....real a$$h***s
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