Please refer to PART 1 before continue reading PART 2
In my analysis from Part 1, it shows that these three website play an important role to let the Indian community knows there was a blogger posting inflammatory racist remarks against the Indian Malaysian community.
No doubt she expresses her feeling inside her blog and it just for her friend to view but her article is totally unacceptable because the remarks can cause racial tension. What they did (RagedIndian, Makkez and Naga) was a correct way to let other bloggers knows in future to be careful when ever they want to pen down any article in their blog. This is a MULTIRACIAL COUNTRY.
5) Sept 25, 2008. Sammy Chan written a grudging "apology" in her website :
"I just wrote an entry 2 days ago since Ihave so much angst when my phone got snatched. And today my blog is flooded with comments. So this post is to answer all queries.
Honestly, i accept all the comments! Haha, maybe i'm too busy with work today i went cuckoo. Yes yes i am racist, but not all times.
It doesn't help the fact that most of the phone snatchers i heard are Indians. Or Malay or Indons. And wow?! I didn't expect so many people to read my blog.
Except for my few friends. Do ppl google for 'racism' blog entries these days? And I'm not contradicting myself, cos i know although there's alot of baddie indians outside..there are a lot of nice sweet ones too.
I have a quite a few Indian friends, and they're all nice. I salute them for being the best among their race; with all their mind set to success.
As for those who steal for survival, i despise them and I spit on them. Are healthy body made for running fast after stealing something? I guess not.
And..I'm not a dramatic person, it's only my life that oftenly takes a dramatic turn . So, I'm not trying to be any famous dramatic blogger. No thanks. Can't find the time to entertain comments on my blog.
Sorry if I offended any Indians. You should know that if you're one of the good, educated ones then you shouldn't be disturbed by what I say. Btw, a person gets all rights to curse when he/she's really angry kan kan?"
6) Sept 28, 2008. Sammy Chan written another statement but this one after her first "To the Critics" post... She left something in her blog again, apparently, she did not realise what she had done wrong (please refer
You Should Apologise, Sincerely)

"To those who understand, thanks. And I'm not trying to piss anyone off, you all saw my last entry saying that i was furious that time so I made the mistake.
For you guys, I'll change my title to 'THAT Indian..'. To those who're not, especially those who put nasty comments about my personality and Chinese community, I don't owe you any apology because you people just showed your racist side. Looks like some of you have had the ugly side of you hidden for a long time."
7) In between Sept 27 to Sept 28, a police report was been lodged by The Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) against Sammy Chan in Butterworth. Butterworth police said that the department would investigate the case in collaboration with the Bukit Aman headquarters since the alleged posting was made in Kuala Lumpur.

S Vadi Velan wants the police to get into bottom of the complaint since the posting had deeply hurt Indian sentiments.
‘Her posting can ruin efforts to build national solidarity and affect racial unity,’ he said
8) Oct 3, 2008. An article appear on Malaysiakini title
Furore over racist blog posting by Athi Veranggan Oct 3, 08 11:11am
The Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) has called on the police to take action against a controversial blogger for posting inflammatory racist remarks against the Indian Malaysian community.
Hindraf’s Penang coordinator MN Anbalgan, 37, and information chief S Vadi Velan, 28, have lodged a police report in Butterworth last week against the blogger’s posting in her
‘Life is a drama’ website.

The duo want the police to investigate the blogger, who has identified herself only as ‘Sammy’ in her blog, for allegedly maligning the Indian community with utmost contempt in a posting on Sept 23.'
Sammy’s racist remarks were totally uncalled, unacceptable and unbecoming of a true Malaysian.
‘Her posting insults Indians, embarrass her own community and reflects badly on the polarisation of Malaysian society,’ said Anbalgan.
Malaysiakini has obtained a copy of the alleged Sammy’s racist posting, which has since been removed by the blogger.
PART 3 Will Be Continue ................
Find out why one race in Malaysia is facing their own community's problem. Maybe need to have a deep research on one community, why most of crime cases happens on them.
Instead of defending racist bigots like sammy chan,try to drive into her some sense lar.She is a disgrace not only to the uni she graduated from but also to the entire society.The problem of thuggery facing the Indian community is brought about by the displacement of estate workers by the govt without consideration,its a national problem lar not Indian problem alone.Just like bohsias,drug addicts,mat rempits etc.BTW what has indian crimes got to do with racial slur spewed by that young lady,who chose to castigate the entire indian community?Chinese community is free of crime izzit?Speak for yourself.
Wow.. you just found yourself a good way to promote your blog isn't it? By writing about someone's else story and drama that has been happening around it.
Not bad!
I think she was very wrong to do that, but at least she apologised and closed down her blog to cool down the problem. whether she mentioned it or not, the problem has always been there in this country. you guys just found a way to let go of the tension, by hitting on her. I was furious as well, but then i think and guessed that her only mistake was to said it out loud when most of us only bitch about it among ourselves.
Thank you Tina,
It just that I care for everyone. We are living in a multiracial country so we must respect each other races.
Enjoy continue reading Part 3
To Alexlee,
If u want an explanation. Here goes.... basically Indian Malaysians are looked down as 3rd class citizens (maybe 4th below the expats). It is extremely hard for an Indian to get employment here. From my own experience, I have been turned down by companies that prefer Chinese n Malays. If u want to know how it feels, u wont cos u weren't born as a "keling kui" like me.
Do u really think these guys would have commited that crime if they had jons to feed themselves?
Anyway, why don't u do research on why pirated DVD salespeople, pimps n a majority of prosititutes r of Chinese origin?
Pathmanathan Chinnan Nadeson
mr pathmanathan,
I think you're right in a way. I still don't know why Indians are less employed but i do realise the trend. One emplyer told me before its because he had bad experiences with Indians (no offence) as compared to Chinese and Malay. ANd when that happens too often, news passed on between employer and *click* there's the reason of the problem. im not sure how true is that.
Selling DVDs and prostitution does not hurt or harm anyone physically. that's because ppl go and look for it, they nvr force u to buy dvd or get a prost. stealing, robbery, killing are different. they force harm unto others. amybe u could consider that as a reason?
A vice is a vice,it goes beyond justification.We find criminals in every race.This is the price we are all paying for the double std practises of our govt.Just look at the malays,with such immense benefit from the govt and various rehabilitation programs for their youths,they are still indulging in drug addiction,thievery,illegal racing,lepaking so forth.So what do you expect from those poor estate people who have been displaced from their homes and made to be the new under-class society in urban ares without proper education,clutched in utter poverty and without skills.Its all boils down to survival.Make no mistake,I am not condoning any criminal activities here,but merely highlighting the root cause of the problems facing the Indian community.This is a national problem and the govt failed to address it because of institutionalised racism.Even in the USA and Australia you find chinese triads operating with links to underworld kingpins as far as Hong Kong,they also indulge in murder,robbery and drug smuggling,so how are you going to explain all these?Therefore stop stereingotyping, as Malaysians if you are sincere then find ways to help those who need help irrespective of race,religion and color and not just curse the entire community and criticize.
BTW I beleive most Indians have been magnanimous enough to accept that young lady's apology,(wether sincere or not,its between her and her god)in the spirit of camarederie.
To Tina,
You seem to be defending vices like selling pirated DVDs n prostitution.
What about the 16 year Chinese boys who raped, murdered n burned their classmate who was 15 year old?
To Tina,
Are most of the employers u mentioned about Chinese, Indians or Malays?
Do u still limit murderers , rapists, thieves to Indians, and more "morally acceptable" crimes like selling pirated DVDs, pirated softwares, psychotropic drugs (ecstacy etc), prostitution, illegal money lendig (Ah Longs) to the Chinese?
To Tina,
Are most of the employers u mentioned about Chinese, Indians or Malays?
Do u still limit murderers , rapists, thieves to Indians, and more "morally acceptable" crimes like selling pirated DVDs, pirated softwares, psychotropic drugs (ecstacy etc), prostitution, illegal money lendig (Ah Longs) to the Chinese?
Anonymous said...
If the comments are only for her friends i think you are the one who is going to ignite the racial tension by publishing this in public ? Shd the ISA be after you also ???
October 6, 2008 12:26 PM
denzook said...
please syed hamid albar, please heret her to isa - she deserved it....... the more i came across this article, the more furious i become. she changed her "apology" thrice, only after being "complaint". and it's damn an act she put on her apology. look at sgpura how they swiftly react to racist blogger such as this. wish the ministry would act the same too, she can repent, yeah, repent in her cell and tell this to judge instead.....
October 6, 2008 1:35 PM
C Guevara said...
My blog played an important role in spreading the news to the Indian community?
haha that is so funny Mr.Lee.
You can check from my LiveFeedJit and you'll know how many people had actually visited my site since i put up that post, and how many including YOU had purposedly searched for that particular post.
Keep in touch ;)
Feel free to leave me a message when you're free.
October 6, 2008 3:31 PM
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