Do Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have the numbers for Pakatan Rakyat to form a new government in the near the terms ? Sources from the insider (Pakatan Rakyat) mention that Datuk Seri Anwar doesn't have the numbers he always claims to be. There was a reason behind these claims.
If Datuk Seri Anwar have the numbers, why he wanted to send some Pakatan Rakyat team lead by Tian Chua to go to Taiwan to talk to them (Barisan Nasional MPs) ?
If they already decided to cross over, they should do it earlier and tell Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that the Barisan Nasional governments don't have enough seat to support them to stay on as the administer for the country.
To convince over 30 seats to cross over, it is not an easy task to do so. Before the Barisan Nasional arranges a trip to Taiwan, it has been claims earlier by Datuk Seri Anwar that they already have the numbers. When Sept 16, 2008 has arrived, nothing has happen in our country. The so-called jumping frog never appeared.

Whether this claims is true or not in the near terms to form a new governments, it indeed help a lot for Datuk Seri Najib in earlier transition because some of the MPs has already lost their confident toward Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi because of this jumping frog issue.
Some even speculate the reason why our prime minister Datuk Seri Abdullah has to step down earlier. The reason is, if he still insisted to stay on as our prime minister until 2010, some of the MPs will make a decision whether they will cross over to the opposition.
Form here we can analyst that Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi doesn't have enough grassroots to support him in this coming UMNO party election where it would be held next year in March.
Aiyoyo! Rich malay can afford rm1.5million villa still want 7% NEP discount? This is NEP abuse! Mana boleh?
but u have to remember that the property that the bumi bought can only be sold to bumi..if want to sell to non bumi have to pay premium which is costly....dont hide the fact!!
It doesn't matter whether it has to be resell to another bumi. The fact is that rich bumi got 5 to 15% NEP discount, and the developer has to compensate this from other sources i.e. from the profit & cost of the non-bumi house lots. Isn't this already an abuse of the NEP????? There is no free lunch in this world. Somebody has to subsidise the bumi lot & in this case the general public.
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