I don't know what has really happen to this guy KICKdeFELLA ? He is issuing an article about We Know What Najib and Spouse Did Last Raya is just like a movie I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER. Inside his article he mentions he received this information from a very reliable source. In his article he mention that,
"The truth is, all sort of new information and confirmation of my old information have flooded me and it is not just from the experience with the PDRM.
Nowadays, since my brother Raja Petra Kamaruddin is no where near his faithful PC, I have been receiving more and more information and it came even from those within the corridors of power.."
He was told that Najib’s wife has met Bala in the British Isle few days after the private eye went missing and paid Bala RM5 Million. He was told that Bala and family are seeking the Indian citizenships (how they come out with this terms ?)

He truly hope this is not true and Rosmah will make a statement to deny this. At the same time, he hope the good Malaysians in certain places can check on the validity of the timing to ensure that Rosmah was actually somewhere in the British Isle during the few days after the disappearance of Mr. Bala.
Meanwhile, in his article he mentions that Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi received RM200 Million in commission. Wauuu....... this getting more and more exciting because our Prime Minister has been accused involved in this transaction.
Now he said that it is good if Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi denies he ever received RM200 Million from the total of half a billion Ringgit commission that they alleged Razak Baginda got it from the submarine deal. His source said Rosmah paid Abdullah RM200 million from the commission of the submarine deal.
For me this is too much for them to make such an allegation towards other people and asking other people to believe these allegations. Actually the answer is already out there. That is Razak Baginda.
Why Razak Baginda all the while didn't expose about Datuk Seri Najib during his court hearing. If he thinks that he is not guilty and someone was playing an important role in plotting to kill Altantuya, he should have voice out in the earlier stage. Why he kept quiet until now ?
In this month of SYAWAL, KICKdeFELLA should respect this holy month rather than trying to throw this kind of allegations without any proof at all. What he did now is actually we call it BERDOSA (sin) and this thing shouldn't be happen in the first place.
Hello Malayyyyysian.......... RAJA PETRA KAMARUDDIN the SECOND is born already. He is going to take over his place for the next two years.
Hello rumour mongers!
True or not, all this money being tranfered around.
But you since Malaysia is NOT transparent at all, people start believing in rumours and blogs and so on...
PakLah! If you want people to stop this accusations and all, please free the press i.e. the Main stream press so that they can write truthfully without censors and I am sure Wonderful things will be written about you and your err.. cronies?
The papers also double sales, good, no?
Truth should prevails at any time. No need to wait after or before Ramadan or Shawal.
If we have to expose these Malay-Muslim Islam Hadhari scums and hypocrites we MUST DO IT IMMEDIATELY. There is no such thing such a special occassion to tell the truth.
The truth will bury those scums deep into hell.
I really hate UMNO and its leaders to the core. They are Zoinist plus Nazis plus KKK cloned together in the womb of a satanic evil bitch.
no wonder lah.....
that woman soooo........... quite!
also MIA like Bala...!
somebody pls check on this story.
can't blame us for believing coz goverment not transparent.
well...... for sure they ain't gonna show u or me & all malaysians their accounts...!
Ya think.....?
Jackie Lee, you are one hell of a naive joker. BN should hire you to be their mouthpiece. KickdeFella and RPK are patriots who dare to expose the wrongs in this country. It is easy for them to pretend they don't know about such things with the shadow of ISA hanging over them, but they dared to reveal the truth.
All the while the case of Altantuya hearing, we never hear anything about Abdullah Badawi name.
Why all the sudden his name appear with 200 millions ?
The answer is out there. Ask Razak Baginda, he is still alive. He know the answer but until now he just keep quiet and he never mention Najib name also.
What has really happen ?
Maybe because Badawi give this KICKdeFELLA 4 days three nights holiday in police lock up. That why he is looking for a Scapegoat.
Who knows ? Everything can happen. What people like to hear is all about allegations and rumours only.
Razak Baginda will not expose it becoz he is hoping that Najib will be PM soon. Razak Baginda still believe that there will be no case agaisnt him. He thinks he is hell of a strategist trying to manuever the political landscape from inside.
Never realize that this guy is a slow learner, and only a fall guy to somebody.if Najib becomes PM, he maybe lucky or thats the end of it.
What Malaysian failed to see is that,
1. Among the first thing done by Dollah was announcing the Eurocopter – Ministry of Defense thingy.
2. Agreed for transition of power to be flexible and maybe earlier but asking for extension of 3 months till March 2009 as The Prime Minister.
Is it true that Dollah’s double action as mention above is due to the fact that,
1. The Eurocopter deal will mean Kamaluddin will get RM250 Million a year for the next 30 years?
2. By postponing the UMNO AGM, Dollah can make sure the deal is sign before he step down.
Hurrah for Malaysia! Selamat Hari Raya and please ask around about this Eurocopter deal during all your Raya visits.
Ignorance is bliss, that's why you prefer to remain as you are.
The only solution to the problem that can clear all doubts about the rumours, Badawi needs to show the Rakyat the accounts and the costs with a cost comparison with other contracts to other countries. This is called TRANSPARENCY. When this is done, we will know who has really commited the sin.
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