The Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) has called on the police to take action against a controversial blogger for posting inflammatory racist remarks against the Indian Malaysian community. 'Idiots, morons, drunkard bastards' and Bukit Aman said they want to investigate.
Wahhhhhh ......... again another police reports was made against another blogger. How to create an article and become a blogger ? I was wondering ?
Now, who was that blogger ? Why Bukit Aman wants to investigate and why the police report was lodge by The Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf).
There must be a big issue....... but during that time I don't know who was that blogger ? That was the morning news.
In the evening the news comes out again but this time with an apology statement from her. A check on her website shows that the blog starting to get more welcome hits from all the blogger and readers who want to know what had really happen. From about 18,500 hits (7.15 pm), now already cross over to 20,200 hits (8.30 pm). Want to become so famous like her ? Learn her way........ Bukit Aman will lead the way.The whole issue erupted when she posted her derogatory comments after her mobile phone was stolen by two alleged Indian youths when she was having lunch at her office.
Sad day for +sammy+ but what to do. During this hard time with our current country inflation rate so high, anything can happen even Datin and Puan Sri also were not spared from been robbed in the daylight.
By the way don't try to look for Sept 23, 2008 article posted by Sammy because she has deleted it from her blog. In her latest article title Official Apology and in the last sentence she wrote :
Here, I offer an unconditional apology to every single person out there who I've offended. I'll not be unfair to other races again and I'll learn to only get angry at those who really hurt me instead of generalising them according to race.
In the meantime Hindraf national coordinator R S Thanenthiran who earlier lodged a police report against her said Hindraf would accept her apology.
“We understand now that it was a ‘spur of the moment’ outburst. We sympathise with her loss of her phone. We hope that the lesson learnt from the controversy will help her to be more careful in future”
UPDATE - At about 1.45 am she closed her blog and put her blog as "This blog is open to invited readers only". During that times her hits was about 25,750 hits.
Your blog looks so bad with firefox...
Anybody that posts hatred towards other races should be charged
I do not condone what Sammy had written in her blog...but then there are politicians and even teachers that have touched on racial issues with bad tastes...i don't remember they getting charged.
come on this is non political this is a mistake done by any young human being of and race.
I think the apology is being made sincerely,it was accepted just move on nothing to hup about it....
Was she actually sincere with her apology or was the intense pressure the reason behind her issuing her apology...From what I know, it was not her first apology, but her second...her first was aimed at educated Indians...give me a break..anyway, if it was an Indian who blogged something about the Chinese, would u guys frankly would have played down on the issue?
To anomymous...Maybe Sammy can be made a lesson of
To Ernest,
How can you consider someone who is 22 young and immature? Dude, our voting age is 21. So u believe that 22 year olds are immature, then thye shouldn't be allowed to vote
Why should Sammy be made a lesson of ?..because she do not have any defensive mechanism protecting her and by the way Mr. Pathmanathan your comments are getting some racial tunes.
Mr Anonymous,
My postings are getting racial? Which sentence in which posting had any racial tune? Care to enlighten me?
Sammy did the right things to apologize to the Indian community.
People always make mistake when all the sudden something happen on them. They never really judge themselves whether they were doing the right things or not.
It appeared that Sammy was frustrated with the thief. Anyway I must say that I have to congratulate Sammy for her courage to apologize.
Well done Sammy Chan
To Jackie Lee
She had the courage to call us Indians "idiots, morons and drunkards" but had to wait a week to realise she was wrong?
She just a human being. People do made mistake. She only express on her blog only. For her friends to view and read.
It just that she was unlucky that this article was getting out of hand.
She already deleted it. At least she made a right step.
AT 7.15 PM her website was about 18,500 hits only but now at 11.30 pm, it was about 23,540 hits.
She will understand now where was her mistake.
To Jackie Lee,
You seem to have the view that it's alright to be a racist, just don't blog it.
If you check my blog, I always against any racist article because I believe in Multiracial, Multiethnic and Multicultural country.
I'm not supporting her, is just that the damaged has already been done. Only apology will cover the whole matter.
When I started to post a comment on her, I was at number 17 but now she got more than 43 comments and many of them have accepted her apologized.
Now her hits is 23,750 and growing.
I believe that one has to reap what one has sewn
From my observation, the apology sounded sincere - and yes, there are lots of childish 21 years old running around.
From the tone of your postings, you seemed very hyped up.
My suggestion for you is to direct your energy towards the case of the Indian school kids being racially abused by the teacher.
This case involve students as victims and the teacher involved did not even apologised. Whats more, the teacher was given a better deal via a transfer!
Now, that infuriates me - not sure about you!
To anonymous (how come no name)
Do not try to divert my attention from this matter.
It is true and I know a little bit about this case.
I was inform by one of the politician who handle the things.
From his explanation the teacher was sent far far away to other state.Far away from Selangor.
Before the teacher was being sent to other state, the education ministry sent this teacher for 1 months office works (counselling)
After the counselling, the education ministry sent her far away to other state as a punishment to her.
To our friends,
She already apologized that she is making a mistake on a remark on our Indian friends.
Why you are not sensitive on a remark made by Ahmad Ismail on "Penunpang" issue. You should be sensitive on these issue instead. Ahmad never apologize at all.
To AlexLee
I'm supporting your statement that she already apologized that she is making a mistake on a remark on our Indian friends.
From your postings below, I am quite sure that your interest is not totally in the welfare of the Indian community.
Your reply to the effect of "maybe Sammy can be made a lesson of"...speaks volumes of your unhealthy obsession especially when you responded to my posting with..."Do not try to divert my attention from this matter".
My guess is that you did not even looked at the article via the url given in my posting. The article reported racial remarks much more worse against Indian students - oh, sorry - forgot you were not interested in these student cases at all (the bigger picture is not important).
You are just focussing on trying to teach the girl a lesson - now, that's what I would call a childish behaviour and I don't think you would be below 21 years of age either!
Pathmanathan Chinnan Nadeson said...
To anomymous...Maybe Sammy can be made a lesson of
October 3, 2008 10:40 PM
Pathmanathan Chinnan Nadeson said...
To anonymous (how come no name)
Do not try to divert my attention from this matter.
October 3, 2008 11:53 PM
By the way, are u Chinese? Well, maybe u r trying to defend another of your kind? Well, it's ok for a Chinese to make comments like this against Indians, but not for someone from the Malay community to make racsit statements against Indians? For me, there is no two ways of being a racist. you r either or not
Her hits now 24,870 and growing.
from 7.15 pm (18,500)
Pathmanathan my friend, I think you better read that article. That is the true story and compare with this case, that one was the worst.
Well Jackie,
I don't have to read the article bcos I know of this incident earlier...the fact of the matter is, racism, how severe or mild, is still racism....there are no two ways about it....if u r trying to defend Sammy bcos she is of the same race as you, I understand.
Hi again,
There you go,...see, you are already exhibiting a racial overtone in your latest reply to my posting.
Does it matter if I am Chinese or not? Does it always means that a Chinese will defend another Chinese? We need to move away from these beliefs. Whatever happened to the idea of fair play and being colour blind?
For your information, I had never been a racist nor have I ever thought in terms of race or religion. I believe in equal opportunities, fair play and being magnanimous.
I do not approve of what she had written but to be fair, we need to be magnanimous and give her the benefit of doubt since she had apologised.
When I come across bloggers/persons who deviates uncomfortably away from a sense of fair play, I will always put across my 2 cents worth of comments in order that both sides of observations are made known thereby reducing the chances of a one sided argument being accepted wholesale. There is no malice in what I write - only observations and logic.
Mr Anonymous,
My postings are getting racial? Which sentence in which posting had any racial tune? Care to enlighten me?
October 3, 2008 11:16 PM
Pathmanathan Chinnan Nadeson said...
By the way, are u Chinese? Well, maybe u r trying to defend another of your kind? Well, it's ok for a Chinese to make comments like this against Indians, but not for someone from the Malay community to make racsit statements against Indians? For me, there is no two ways of being a racist. you r either or not
October 4, 2008 12:34 AM
As I said before, I'm not supporting her.
It just that sometimes when people ask for forgiveness, we must forgive them.
She admited that the damages has been done and she wrote in her article OFFICIAL APOLOGY.
So we must accept it. I'm not protecting her.
25,540 HITS and growing
Jackie Lee,
I have got one question for you.
Why do you keep on updating us with the latest number of hits that the offending website receives? - it's not quite normal unless there is a hidden agenda. Why promote such a site?
My intention is to let everyone know that she already apologize and I want all the readers to read the article she wrote.
She apologized sincerely.
At least she is much much more better than Ahmad Ismail.
I don't have any hidden agenda.
Thank you my friend.
ohhhhhhh....... she close the blog and put it as invited readers only...
This blog is open to invited readers only
cannot access already......
she cannot stand the pressure.... I think.....
she did the right thing and apologised properly. what else do you want? As for whether it was a crime let the police take it from there. And seriously who is not racist at any time? You dare say that you have no whatsoever generalisations of a certain race? Its unavoidable. Im a chinese. I accept the fact that some people treat me like an apek thinking i can't speak proper english or bahasa malaysia. I gain their respect when I converse back to them in their language. Racism is in all of us malaysians. Our daily lives are surrounded by it. To what degree we use it in our lives is what's important. Sammy went past the acceptable levels tolerated by our society. Yes I used the word tolerated. Because we tolerate racism to a certain degree. You don't think its true? Don't tell me no one has ever told you a racist joke and you didnt laugh at it. If no one tolerates racism malaysia would be at civil war.
And for pathmanathan ill give you the part where you ask which part of your posting that you claimed had no racial undertones. I quote:
give me a break..anyway, if it was an Indian who blogged something about the Chinese, would u guys frankly would have played down on the issue?
You are the worst kind of racist people in the world. Anytime an issue touches on your race you make it a point that its racist. When it touches on other race, where were you?
Pls go back to your hypocrit life!
Hello Mr.Nathan,
Certainly racial overtones like that of sammy is bad, however do you know what the greates thing a man can do?
i.e " FORGIVING " you can find this in all religions.
from Batam
Yes Sammy has apologized and now we should forgive her.
However, I think what Hindraf did is right in highlighting it. I'm happy that they brought this up as this is a good proof of how a particular race is perceived in Malaysia. If anything, this case is a good example of how systematic marginalisation of the Indians have socially affected them to the extent that a 21 year old girl has chosen to degrade the whole community. Yet, the government still chooses to close one eye to the plight of indians in Malaysia claiming only Bumis need special attention. It's time to help these so called drunken, rapist, thieves so that we don't create more Sammy's in the future.
alexlee said...
While Hindraf asked Government to free their so called "leader" on ISA, on other hand, they call Police to arrest blogger on ISA.
Their so called "leader" also involved in blog activities & other activities that make our Country looks & feels very tension.
October 4, 2008 3:47 PM
Anonymous said...
HINDRAF sentiasa memikirkan mereka sahaja yang betul. Inilah masalahnya dengan HINDRAF. Bila mereka bertindak diluar batas undang-undang dan diluar pertimbangan kemanusiaan mereka menganggap mereka betul, tapi bila pihak lain melihat mereka dari segi persepsi dan penilaian mereka sendiri...mereka menganggap pihak lain itu salah dan perlu dihukum. ISA perlu dikenakan keatas sebahagian lagi pemimpin HINDRAF. Mereka mahu mengubah nasib kaum mereka dengan memaksa kerajaan melakukan utk mereka, malangnya mereka sendiri tidak mahu mengubah nasib mereka melalui usaha yang bersungguh sebagaimana sebahagian besar rakyat negara ini mengubah dan meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka tanpa terlalu bergantung kepada bantuan dan tongkat ajaib kerajaan.
October 4, 2008 4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
The alleged posting read: “I hate Indians. It’s bad enough they are famous for being drunk and rude (most of them anyway). Now they carry the reputation of being stealer, robbers, rapist, idiots, morons, drunkard bastards and list goes on...”.
The blogger continued that “I am not trying to be racist but it always Indian. It’s Indian fault. I don’t care if I am sued for racism.”Explicitly describing Indians as “damn a_ _ _ _ _ _ _” and “idiotic”, she dared Indians to complain to her blog and even sue her on the inflammatory racist remarks.
“You Indians have got no hands and legs to work and earn money, is it?
“Stealing from other people is a happy thing and your source of income, eh? Wait for the day of your fall and people will kick you on the roadside for stealing,” she allegedly posted.
Police must act on this allegations. Isa should b fit 4 her.
October 4, 2008 5:26 PM
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