Now the latest rumour was, Elizabeth Wong former boyfriend was a Malay ? How true is this story ? People especially who are surfing the Internet are keep on searching the story of Elizabeth Wong by typing the word " PKR, Nude Photo or Video, MMS, Exco of Elizabeth Wong " hoping that they can see the actual picture of her. But there isn't any photo or a video can be found at this moment.
Now most of the latest search engine shows that they are looking for " Elizabeth Wong Boyfriend A Malay ". I think this might be the leading point why she wants to quit all her post. In Malaysia, a Chinese guy with a Malay woman or a Chinese woman with a Malay guy is common. But as a Yang Berhormat, it would be a different story.
During the photo and the video of her was taken, Elizabeth Wong is still unmarried. Now people are asking how come she can sleep with the other guy and then become Yang Berhormat when she is still single (moral) ?

Even there is a rumour saying that some of the photo showing her sleeping with her leg open. This is very bad if these pictures really come out. I think it will come out soon. If we look at the press conference held by Elizabeth Wong, Wong did not blame the governing National Front coalition directly for her embarrassment, but leaders in her party charged it was politically motivated.
What ever it is, police investigation is on the way. We will know the truth eventually whether is a politically motivated or a sour relationship between her and her former boyfriend. The main issue here is why her former boyfriend wants to distribute photograph of her sleeping in semi naked ? WHY .......? WHY ..........? I think we must ask our former YB. Elizabeth Wong. She should know the answer.
You can refer this article below whether is a politically motivated ?
Monday, February 16, 2009
PKR Elizabeth Wong. Photo And Video (NUDE) Circulating. Malaysiakini
PKR Elizabeth Wong. Photo And Video (NUDE) Circulating. Malaysiakini
For a guy like you & me, if our naked photo is circulated around, we also can't "Tahan", that happened to a single lady YB, sure she can't stand that kind of pressure, although she is good YB.
After all, we are still adopted Eastern Value in our daily lifestyle.
boy friend yb eli wong yang pertama orang putih, 2 tahun kemudian berkawan dengan lelaki melayu pulak, gambar mesra bersama boy friend pertama ternampak oleh lelaki melayu!!!!!
nak salahkan siapa? suart khabar hari ini yb kata KONSPIRASI POLITIK??? saya rasa itu adalah masalah peribadi. tak patut menyalahkan pihak politik!!!
beliau patut faham "kepimpinan melalui teradan" adakah contoh beliau patut diikuti atau digalakan oleh semua pengundi yang memilih beliau!!
silap tetap silap! mengaku dan letak jawatan saja!!!
tak perlu nak salahkan orang lain pulak??
dengar khabar adalah 3 lagi vcd yang berlainan pakwe akan diedarkan di pasaran!
hidup yb elizabeth wong!
anda telah menyemarakan nama baik wanita pkr!
memang patut anda dilantik sebagai ketua penerangan pkr!
samada konspirasi politik atau tidak, semua orang nampak, tak payelah cerita banyak. sana gambar tersebar, yb eli buat laporan polis, sana barisan national atau lebih tepat lagi umno sudah bising suruh yb letak jawatan...
kepimpinan melalui teladan tidak sepatutnya terhad kepada sesuatu parti politik sahaje. bn jugak kena tunjukkan. perempuan mongolia dibunuh, yb yang ade kes rasuah ditarik masuk ke bn pun boleh dilupakan, apatah lagi seorang perempuan yang ditangkap gambarnya ketika tidur. cuba fikir!
Itu memang masalah pribadi. tapi Elizabeth Wong adalah public figure yang mesti memberi contoh bagi rakyatnya. Pribadinya adalah taruhannya, seorang pemimpin haruslah yang berakhlak baik.
Salam dari kami orang Indonesia.
Ternyata orang malaysia tidak lebih baik dari orang Indonesia.
Confirm the Boyfriend Responsible is Hilmi
from her writings itself
syabas, bahasa melayu saudara bagus sekali, belajar dari kawan-kawan umno ke?
Her latest new. Confirm Ex-boyfriend A Malay. With some photo.
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