As we can see until now most of the world equities market are following the movement of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. With our current market situation right now moving side ways, we have nothing to cherish about. They seem to be hanging around waiting for any new direction before any attempt to move higher or lower.
Basically our share market performance always moves accordingly with the world equities market performance and what we can do right now is to examine the current movement of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Based on the chart the DJIA is facing a very strong resistance. The resistance level would be around 9,650 points level given a plus minus of around 50 points. Any attempt to break this Strong Resistance level will bring the Dow Jones Industrial Average back to 10,000 points level. So right now it is quite tricky to play around with the current sentiment as the Dow Jones Industrial Average is doing quite well with the volume traded improving.
Either the Dow Jones Industrial Average will go up or go down; we will have to monitor their current movement these few days. But if we check at the volume done, it seems that they have more opportunity to move higher. But sometimes when the Dow Jones perform quite well our share prices cannot perform and it is quite hard to trade with our current sentiment so dull. If the Strong Resistance cannot be break then it will pull down the world equities market performance.
This is just one of my opinion and we cannot take it that it will happen. It just that we need to share more opinion on the current sentiment.
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