The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dropped -411.30 points to close at 8,282.66 points, and all the major indexes lost more than 4.5 percent.
The stock market has lost about USD 1 trillion over the past three days, according to the Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 index, which reflects the value of nearly all U.S. stocks. If we take a look on charts, the DJIA is trading near the session low of 7,882.51 points created on 10.10.2008. There is a different of about 400 points only.

Currently the KL Composite Index doesn't look nice but the share prices still maintaining well with most of the counters still trade a bit low from their recently high.
If we examine these past few days, most of the counters seem to be lack of power to move up again. Just beware and be careful this coming few days. It seem like the BEARS is going to rule the market again.
At this moment, some of us might already loss the opportunity to ride on the bandwagon that was heading to the north previously but still we must not regret because opportunity will always arise when time arrive.
Now the bandwagon might be heading to south. I'm still looking at it and don't forget there might be another opportunity for us. What happen in the past two weeks will be a great lesson for us and now what we need to do is; how we are going to apply a word "PATIENT" towards ourselves. If we are impatient and jump on the wrong bandwagon, the price that we are going to pay will cost us dearly.
the malaysian bourse is really a mini mouse market with little movement or gyration in stock prices that reflects the overall volatility of markets across the world.its not easy to make a killing in a market that has little or no foreign fund participation!!
if one were to make a comparison with Hk or the singapore bourse we will even in a downturn clearly and unmistakably demonstrate theres a complete lack of interest from foreign investors.
even the lethargic bangkok or indonesian market provides more excitement than our local ones
how to make money ???
Maybe is time to short the futures?
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