Today market performance can be consider good even though the KL Composite Index down -6.88 points to close at 1,127.26 points as there are still more room for the market to adjust its index after recent sell off. 
Gamuda from as low as RM 2.06 per share (03.06.2008) a few days ago are now trading and close up RM +0.20 per share at RM 2.47 per share. Initially the prices for most of the stocks that are under heavy selling begin to show some bargain hunting (rebound).
Chances for these counter to perform better on their prices still on the run but a cautious approach has to be implement. From the reading of the charts of KL Composite Index shows that it already break its 1st support level of 1,157.47 points and 2nd support level of 1,141.56 points. A break on this support level already indicate that our market would not sustain very long on this level and even it show more bearish market rather than bullish market in the long run. A rebound in the market index at this moment still intact.
Chances for these counter to perform better on their prices still on the run but a cautious approach has to be implement. From the reading of the charts of KL Composite Index shows that it already break its 1st support level of 1,157.47 points and 2nd support level of 1,141.56 points. A break on this support level already indicate that our market would not sustain very long on this level and even it show more bearish market rather than bullish market in the long run. A rebound in the market index at this moment still intact.
Watch for the 3rd support level of 1,090.39 points and 4th support level at 1,049.88 points. For the next few days or weeks if the KL Composite Index break this level it will go straight to the psychology level of 1,000.00 points (still remember how our KL Composite Index fair during 1997 Asian Financial Crisis), never predict where is the low or the bottom.
People are now starting to concentrate on their works rather than talk and think about SAPP, MCA, UMNO and even other party component of BN jump over to Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim involve in sodomised, involvement of Datuk Seri Najib and Altantuya murder. S.Balasubramaniam withdraws its first statutory declaration and makes a new and fresh second statutory declaration and police report on his missing. Very tiring environment. How long this has to be keep on continue ?
To be fair I rather concentrate on what our share market can give it to us. The true and pure opportunity of investment in our Bursa Malaysia (bulls*it). But sometimes how good you are in analyzing the shares, it will only come to one conclusion. How good you are in making recommendation and analysis of any counter in the share market, when the KL Composite Index go down, the prices of the share even though looks attractive with good fundamental and earnings, it would still go down when the KL Composite Index heading south.
People are now starting to concentrate on their works rather than talk and think about SAPP, MCA, UMNO and even other party component of BN jump over to Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim involve in sodomised, involvement of Datuk Seri Najib and Altantuya murder. S.Balasubramaniam withdraws its first statutory declaration and makes a new and fresh second statutory declaration and police report on his missing. Very tiring environment. How long this has to be keep on continue ?
To be fair I rather concentrate on what our share market can give it to us. The true and pure opportunity of investment in our Bursa Malaysia (bulls*it). But sometimes how good you are in analyzing the shares, it will only come to one conclusion. How good you are in making recommendation and analysis of any counter in the share market, when the KL Composite Index go down, the prices of the share even though looks attractive with good fundamental and earnings, it would still go down when the KL Composite Index heading south.

Yesterday night I watch a movie called "Wanted". Is was a good movie with a lot of action pack and the actress was Angelina Jolie. Have a day for the movie if you feel stress with the share market roller-coaster.
Gamuda Issued and Paid-Up Capital : RM 992,872,054.00
Class of Shares : Ordinary Shares of RM 1.00 each
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