Basically the world equities performance will depend on how the Dow Jones Industrial Average performance right now but if we analyze their current performance, it seems that they are having a trouble right now. Based on the chart suggested that the DJIA should hold steadier or stay above at 10,100 points level or else it would be a bit ugly way ahead if this level has been broken.
During these three days we can see lots of heavy selling activities done in the DJIA market. If we want to based on their heavy volume done, it is advisable to stay out from our share market right now. Wait for a clearer picture before any new attempt to build up our new position.
Right now from my point of view, all I can say that the world equities market including the FBM-KLCI are already long overdue for their major correction and I would not be surprise if we can't find any new rally occur during this coming Chinese New Year celebration..
Thank you .... Lucy ...
Will try my best to keep on updating the blog ....
nice post. thanks.
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